Sunday, July 19, 2009

33rd Bon Odori

Bon Odori (η›†θΈŠγ‚Š, meaning simply Bon dance) is an event held during Obon. It is celebrated as a reminder of the gratefulness one should feel toward one's ancestors.

Originally a Nenbutsu folk dance to express the effusive welcome for the spirits of the dead, the style of celebration varies in many aspects from region to region. Each region has a respective local Bon dance, as well as different music accompanying the dance. The music can be songs specifically pertinent to the spiritual message of Obon, or local min'yo folk songs. Consequently, the Bon dance will look and sound different from region to region.

smalam aku pown turun laa ke Stadium Matshushita S.alam diorang held bon odori dekat sane
tapi aku smp lmbt sket laa pukul 8...tapi aku stay up smp habis event.owesome gile

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Custom Album

Selamat Pagi selama 2 minggu aku bertapa nak siap kan Album untuk Customer...customer aku nie amek full package custom album and sticky....tapi kat snie aku buat penambahan skit laaa dlm package nie 1st trial..aku xbg picture 8r but aku tukar kew calender table....hehehe...okay