Sunday, April 19, 2009

kl fashion week

salam.....agak teruja aku hari ahad hari2 aku pegi tengok wayang dekat midvalley..aku memang dah seret slr aku skarang nie...sejak2 kene kutuk enn...hahahaha then memang luck aku kot time 2 kat sane ade kl fashion week...then dapat laa aku bedal shot kt sane walaupown duk tingkat ats je pasal kat bwh dah ramai photographer duk siap ngn ladder lagi..hheheh...tapi okay laaa...kan ade dari xde hurm yeahhhh......agak cantek gak laaa model2 2 time aku buat shoot 2 untuk model padini...orait

Friday, April 17, 2009


Salam....lame dah aku x buat harinie baru ade free time buat posting 2 pown aku datang keje sabtu cz nak siap kan mane yg dah xle cover hari biase...sambil 2 amek time buat posting kejap heeheh...jalan-jalan yek last week aku cuti 2 hari bantai g jalan2 dengan gadis aku kat genting...hahaha agak keciwa buat gadis aku pasal time datang 2 hujan lebat...then agak happy bagi aku cause...aku xpayah main kat outdoor..hahahaha...aku pegi balik hari jew...agak boleh kene jawi kot kalau aku duk kat sane 1 malam..hahahah orait...nanti aku buat posting lagi...its time to

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is Street photography?

Defining street photography might do injustice to it's free, liberated and completely non-uniform nature; however, I am so frequently asked about it that I decided to give it a try despite the possible disservice.

Simply put street photography includes any photograph made anywhere in public places. Some people narrow it down to urban settings and some people think there must be people present in these kinds of photos. But the bottom line is that each street photographer will find their own meaning and approach therefore whatever definition they might arrive at will work just as well.

The purpose of street photography will again vary from one street photographer to another. Some photographers are interested in simply and honestly documenting life as they see it, at times adding their own interpretation to the scene. Some want to make artistic photographs of available street scenes and others basically enjoy taking pictures and do it purely for the pleasure of it.

As you probably guessed already the methods of shooting street photographs vary greatly amongst different photographers�

And so clearly street photography has no need for any set of rules and guidelines on HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE, and better be independently created and elaborated by the photographer.

soo ade paham hehe......then aku try laaa buat bende nie...tapi aku try kat klcc 2 pown time aku nak pickup member aku balik keje....xbyk laa yg aku amek jz nak try pasal aku tertarik kat satu user kt flickr guna name chotcandid photographer hari2 maen street siap bwk model lagiii...hehe..then aku nak try la walaupown xde model best gak...kot

Sunday, April 5, 2009

kumar and crystel wedding reception

salam....pada 3rd april 2009 hari tu venue di hotel Maluri- teratai ballroom...aku buat shoot untuk kumar & crystel ann hurm majlis reception untuk staff honda dan member bridal nie laaa
meriah laaa...dengan indian food,dengan menari2 ala thr ranggga...bukak champagne siap ehehe orait laaa...xpenah lagi buat shoot untuk indian wedding walaupown job xbebayar saje je ambil xperiance...dengan koriee....thanks kite layan la picture yang diambil malam 2 zassss........

Friday, April 3, 2009

the infekted

The infekted...hurmmm dari tahun lepas lagi...aku terkene satu infection call tangan xrenti2 memicit...picit ape...picit Dslr kaki xreti duduk diam...nak masuk semua kedai camera....yang ade...hurmm berkat wabak nie aku dah kire beginner untuk photographer nie...aku guna kan name Damai_lensa pasal damai name taman yang aku duduk....lensa ialah bahasa baku untuk lens' so terjadi laa wabak the infekted infekted by dslr....dah 3 wedding yang aku dah ikut 3-3 wedding tu aku ikot koriee.. heheh....dan bulan 6 nie ade lagi 1 wedding yang aku akan handle sendiri..hehe koriee..dah xnak join dah hurm.....aku skang tengah sibuk nak buat sticky album untuk incoming customer atau prospect asyik tunjuk dalam laptop je xde feel kot..n 1 thing lagi project untuk sample custom album jenuhh gak kot nak buat.

New comer and 3rd generation

salam...hurm dah bape hari aku create blog nie..tapi baru hari ni dapat post laaa jz nak borak and kongsi dengan korang semua...on 1st april aku dah dapat new boss / managing director yang baru dulu fujimoto'san skang yg latest plak takahashi 'san hait istana takeshie....ahahahaha dan masuk dier nie total up 3 md yang aku keje dengan dia..walaupown aku rasa dier confirm xkenal ngan aku...tapi aku kenal dia..hahahahaah....jap g aku nak siap2 layan wayang 2 fast 2 furios agak2 menarik ke...hehehe...anyway thank my bro atau my boss dlm photography koriee... sebab...dier yg ajak aku join blog nie..hehe maklum laaa flickr dah kene block...ok laaa
kasi solat dulu.nanti ade bahan menarik aku post lagiiii..pakai TNT.
